
Wednesday, October 28, 2015

New Flipped Video - Please Watch by Tuesday, November 3rd

We will be reviewing physical science before the next six week curriculum test, but I want to give you a head start on Earth science.  Here are our first vocabulary words!

Write down the meaning of weathering, erosion, and deposition.  Tell how each one occurs, and give examples from the video.  Here's a hint:  the sand on the dunes has been deposited there, or dropped off there.  Does that look like one of your vocabulary words?

Thursday, October 22, 2015

No Flipped Video Due 10/26/15!

Just a reminder...
   There is no flipped video this week!  We have finished the unit of physical science.  We will review next week before we move to Earth science.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Flipped Lesson - Force and Motion Watch and Take notes by 10/20/15

Be sure to write your vocabulary in your journal!  You must complete this by Tuesday before joining the Inertia Club!

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

New Flipped Video - Electricity - Please Watch before Tuesday 10/13/15

Sorry for the last post the evening, but I just got home.  You will have an extra day to watch this video because you don't have school Monday!

What the video from Education Service Center 10.  Draw and label the parts of the circuit in your journal.  Be sure to write the vocabulary used in the video and be able to explain each.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Light and Sound Flipped Video for 9/30/15 - Please watch by 10/5/15

We will be investigating each form of energy in the following weeks.  We will start with a review of light and sound.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Flipped Vocabulary Due September 28th - Same Words!

Attention Rm31Corp Science Students and Parents:

We will be using the Forms of Energy Vocabulary Flipped Lesson for two weeks, so there will be no new vocabulary this week.  The next flipped lesson will be posted on September 30, 2015.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Flipped Video on Forms of Energy - Watch by Monday, 9/21/15

Alright Rm31Corp,
Here is your first flipped video!  Be sure to watch the video and write the vocabulary words and their definitions in your science journal!

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Welcome Future Employees of Room 31 Corporation!

Welcome to my newest employees!  I promised you some posts this summer starting the second week of summer vacation, and here we are!  I'll be giving you some random science "magic" you can try out on your family this summer.  Remember to always have parent permission!  Check out this video and give it a try...

No eggs were harmed in the making of this video!  If you try it out, snap some photos of the experiment, email them to the Rm31Corp gmail account,  and leave me a comment below.  Get your parents to help with this, so we are following internet safety rules.  Only use your initials or a really cool nickname you would like to use next year if you want to sign your posts!  You can send an email using the card I gave you to send me your code name.  That way I will know who is trying out our magical science.  I'll add to the post to show off the snapshots I get!
Be sure to tell us why this happens in your comment, too.

Until next week, May the Forces be with You!

           ......Ok, I know.... but you might as well get used to my corny science jokes!

Thursday, February 26, 2015

New Flipped Lesson - Food Webs Due Tuesday, 3/3/15

Be sure to watch this video and get all of the vocabulary written in your journal.  Add these vocabulary terms to our study of ecosystems.  These will be important in your presentation to the UN.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Characteristics of the Moon - lesson 2 Due Jan. 19th

Here is the video that's due on January 19th.  It is the second part of our notes on the moon.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Phases of the Moon- flipped Lesson 1

Welcome to our first flipped lesson of the new year!  I hope you have your journal ready to take some great notes!